Below, we've gathered some of the most captivating pictures from photo shoots celebrities did when they were younger that have been shared in the OldSchoolCool subreddit. These photos might not be the first ones that come to your mind when you hear these stars' names, but they’re certainly worth checking out. Keep reading to also find an interview with Portland-based photographer Becca Lueck, and enjoy taking this trip back in time!
#1 Princess Diana, Last Photoshoot By Mario Testino For Vanity Fair, 1997

Image credits: Sea_Land_1944
#2 Freddie Mercury At A Photoshoot, 1979

Image credits:
#3 Winona Ryder For Rolling Stone, 1991

Image credits: DolbyVision
All of our favorite celebrities have had flourishing careers, but it’s fascinating to look back on when they were younger and more fresh within their respective industries. Before Friends, Jennifer Aniston wasn’t a household name, and many people had never heard of Prince until he was in his 20’s. But it’s fascinating to see photos of them at the beginning of their careers versus where they are now. And lucky for us, all of those stars we know and love today were in some fabulous photo shoots in their youth.
The Old School Cool subreddit is dedicated to sharing pics of “history’s cool kids, looking fantastic”, and it certainly does a great job of that. The community describes itself as “a pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between. If you've found a photo, or a photo essay, of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it.” It has amassed an impressive 17.6 million members over the past 11 years, and lucky for us, some of the photos featured are of the actors and musicians we love.
#4 Keanu Reeves "Dracula" Promotional Photoshoot (1992)

Image credits: Inazumaryoku
#5 Marilyn Monroe's Final Photoshoot Photos, Just Three Weeks Before Her Death In 1962

Image credits: robaco
#6 One Of The Many Photos From The "Aladdin Sane" Photoshoot (1973)

Image credits: No_Knowledge_9202
To gain more insight on what it takes to make a timeless photo shoot, we reached out to professional photographer Becca Lueck, of Becca Jean Photography. She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda, first detailing what she loves most about photography. “I love pretty much everything about photography, so that’s a tough one to answer!” she shared. “But I would have to say documenting different family’s personalities, and the way that they interact. Capturing their relationships is so special and my ultimate goal.”
We were also curious how Becca manages to capture a person’s essence when photographing them. “I am always looking for ways to get people to interact, rather than just standing there and smiling at the camera,” she explained. “So I will give people things to do that will help them bring out their personalities and feel comfortable in front of my camera.”
#7 Arnold Schwarzenegger Photoshoot In The 70's

Image credits: dustofoblivion123
#8 Kate Bush During The Photoshoot For The Hounds Of Love Album Cover. 1985

Image credits: shamwow-salesman
#9 Angelina Jolie Rare Bikini Photoshoot By Harry Langdon In 1991

Image credits: MGHS10
When it comes to what kinds of photoshoots Becca enjoys the most, she says, “My very favorite sessions are family adventure sessions, where we get to go somewhere really beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest, with gorgeous scenery and interactive elements. It just makes the photos extra amazing.” In her portfolio, you can find many stunning photos Becca has taken with rivers, lakes, mountains and other amazing scenery.
#10 Cher... "Prisoner" Album Cover Photoshoot With Bob Mackie Styling... (Circa 1978)

Image credits: Reporter_at_large
#11 The Beatles Getting Ready For The Abbey Road Photoshoot. Circa 1969

Image credits: communismal
#12 Darth Vader Hugging Carrie Fisher, In The Legendary Princess Leia Gold Bikini, During A 1983 Rolling Stone Photoshoot

Image credits: GoodGriefWhatsNext
We also asked Becca if she thinks all photoshoots are timeless or if there are specific ways photographers can ensure their shoots remain captivating decades later. “I always let people know that they should leave any digital watches at home and replace them with a more timeless watch, because nothing dates a photo more than a big Apple Watch on someone’s wrist,” she told Bored Panda. “I also help families figure out clothing, because what you would normally wear every day is not necessarily going to photograph well. So I am looking for clothing that is a bit more timeless, without any crazy prints that look super trendy.”
#13 Prince's First Photoshoot, Age 19, 1977

Image credits: kimikopossible
#14 Clint Eastwood At A Lacoste Photoshoot In 1960

Image credits: now_im_toast
#15 Chris Farley Photoshoot From 1994

Image credits: NickelCityRiz
“When I am doing a session inside of a family’s home, then I just ask them to put away anything that would be distracting, like dirty laundry, phone chargers and other cords,” Becca added. “I think that well placed and nice looking clutter is fine, but you don’t want a bunch of dirty dishes, or things like that in the background.”
#16 Kurt Cobain Wearing A "Corporate Magazines Still Suck" Shirt During Nirvana's Photoshoot For Rolling Stone Magazine, 1992

Image credits: thewickerstan
#17 Queen Posing Topless (‘The Nudie Sessions’) In A 1973 Photoshoot For Mick Rock, Who Has Gone On And Shot Their Iconic Queen II Album Cover A La Marlene Dietrich That Still Haunts Them Today

Image credits: victoiresylph
#18 Pamela Anderson In 1993

Image credits: CurrentRoster
“I’ve been photographing families for over 10 years, so I’ve definitely learned some things along the way. My biggest tip when it comes to getting family photos taken is to really focus on having a fun time with your family,” Becca says. “The more you can be in the moment and stop stressing over everything being perfect, the better your photos will turn out.”
If you’d like to check out Becca’s website or book a session with her if you live in the Portland area, be sure to visit her website right here.
#19 Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast At Tiffany’s Photoshoot, 1961

Image credits: eaglemaxie
#20 Sting - Photoshoot For Synchronicity, 1983

Image credits: KKD97
#21 Kiss At A Photoshoot, 1975

Image credits:
To learn more wise words from photographers, we checked out this list from Full Frame featuring advice from some of the most famous names in the industry. Tom Hido, a San Francisco-based photographer who’s been featured in The New York Times Magazine and Vanity Fair, says, “To be kind is most important. After that, be prepared with a plan of how you’re going to make the picture. An example in my case would be, every time I photograph somebody, I always scout out the spot I’m going to photograph them in and try to anticipate what the light is going to be like and modify it if needed.”
#22 Calvin Klein Photoshoot With Kate Moss & Mark Wahlberg By Mario Sorrenti In 1993

Image credits: wiggiag
#23 Jennifer Aniston Doing Photoshoot For Friends First Season, 1994

Image credits: Sofargonept2
#24 Helena Bonham Carter, 1987

Image credits: InevitableClear
Ami Vitale, a Nikon Ambassador and National Geographic magazine photographer who has traveled to more than 90 countries, shared the advice, “Every story has a variety of viewpoints and truths depending on where you stand. It really takes tremendous time and patience to get to the subtleties and nuances of any story… The world is a beautiful place, we need to celebrate the goodness because it is everywhere.”
#25 Marvin Gaye In The Rain, A Shot From The Photoshoot For His 1971 Album, "What's Going On" Released 50 Years Ago This Month And Considered By Many, Including Me, To Be The Greatest Album Of All Time

Image credits: fensterdj
#26 Jennifer Love Hewitt 1990's Rollerskate Photoshoot

Image credits: darthtasar
#27 Bob Dylan And His Girlfriend Suze Rotolo During The Photoshoot For The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan Album Cover. West Village, 1963

Image credits: psycot
We hope you’re enjoying this list of old school photoshoot pics of some of the world’s most famous people. It’s always fun to look back at vintage photos, especially when they’re of our favorite celebrities. Keep upvoting the pics that take you back in time, and let us know in the comments which ones are your favorites. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring captivating, old school pics, look no further than right here!
#28 Pink Floyd, January 1968, From One Of The Only Known Photoshoots Of All Five Members

Image credits: K1nsey6
#29 The Beatles In A Photoshoot For The “Saturday Evening Post” (1964)

Image credits: Meunderwears
#30 Outtakes From The Photoshoot That Would Eventually Become The Album Cover Of Pink Floyd's Album Wish You Were Here (1975)

Image credits: Mad_Season_1994
#31 Whitney Houston's First Photoshoot, 1982

Image credits: goodvibezone
#32 Humorous Outtake Of Queen From A Photoshoot For Their 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Single (C. 1975)

Image credits: BP0413
#33 Jamie Lee Curtis (1980)

Image credits: HellsJuggernaut
#34 Rare Backstage Photoshoot From Return Of The Jedi By Brian Griffin 1982

Image credits: wadeybb
#35 18-Year-Old Kobe Bryant During His First Adidas Photoshoot As A Laker At Will Rogers State Beach. 1996

Image credits: johnnyr1
#36 Actress Doris Houck Preparing For A Photoshoot Near To The Hollywoodland Sign. The H Was Missing After A Drunk Driver Lost Control Of His Vehicle And Crashed Behind The H, Making It Fall Down The Cliff. Los Angeles, California, 1945

Image credits:
#37 Nico And Andy Warhol As Batman And Robin For A Photoshoot In 1967

Image credits: comradebat
#38 The Beatles Final Photoshoot, 1969

Image credits: Xoziv
#39 Claudia Cardinale And Frank Zappa, Italian Magazine Photoshooting, 1967

Image credits: realhiphopfiles
#40 A (Then) Little Known Band By The Name Of Nirvana Does A Photoshoot In A Field (Charles Peterson, 1989)

Image credits: BaxterEllard
#41 The Queen Of Soul, Aretha Franklin, Esquire Photoshoot, 1982

Image credits: Big_Shot_Gangster
#42 David Bowie Ziggy Stardust Photoshoot, 1972

Image credits: Satyion77
#43 Roger Moore And Richard Kiel Doing A Photoshoot For Moonraker (1979)

Image credits: Great_Uncle_Waldo
#44 Elizabeth Taylor, At 15, Riding Angels Flight Railway In 1947 While On A Photoshoot For Junior Bazaar Magazine

Image credits: j3434
#45 One Of The First Photoshoots Of The Rolling Stones - 1963

Image credits: SympathyofaThinMan
#46 Stevie Nicks During A Self-Defense Book Photoshoot, 1983

Image credits: doogie92
#47 Sean Penn And Madonna Wedding Photoshoot, 1985

Image credits: milhamalk
#48 Friends Cast Photoshoot In The 90s

Image credits: cyrano3790
#49 14 Year Old Christian Bale. Photoshoot From Late 1980s. (@golldies Instagram)

Image credits: Noobthobn
#50 Angelina Jolie At Her First Photoshoot In 1990

Image credits: SelenaThomson
#51 One Of LED Zeppelin's First, If Not The First Photoshoot, 1968

Image credits: gamerslayer1313
#52 Patrick Demarchelier - Madonna Photoshoot Bedtime Stories Album (1994)

Image credits: bil_sabab
#53 Photoshoot Of Sharon Stone In 1983

Image credits: FajarNegan
#54 Alyssa Milano During A Physical Fitness Photoshoot, 1989

Image credits: TheOreoMan25
#55 Kate Winslet - Ken Weingart Photoshoot 1996

Image credits: noapologiesman
#56 Uma Thurman / Photo By Frederic Meylan, 1989

Image credits: GaGator43
#57 Muhammed Ali Poses With His Prize Winnings During A Photoshoot In 1964

Image credits: maxwell4727
#58 20 Yr Old Mariah Carey Before She Was Famous At A Photoshoot For Her Self Titled Debut Album - [1990]

Image credits: Sh1fty3yedD0g
#59 Mark Hamill And Carrie Fisher Photoshoot, 1977

Image credits:
#60 Julie Newmar Doing A Cat Woman Photoshoot 1966

Image credits: Fluffy_Morning_1569
#61 Nirvana In The Pool During The “Nevermind” Photoshoot (1991)

Image credits: father13
#62 Drew Barrymore's Gq Photoshoot, 1993

Image credits:
#63 Director Joe Dante Doing A Photoshoot For Gremlins, 1984

Image credits: CreepyAssociation173
#64 1953 A Peak Within A Photoshoot

Image credits: Flat-Foot-2904
#65 Dr. Hook During A Photoshoot In London. England, 1975

Image credits:
#66 The (Still Very Active) Soul Singer Dionne Warwick During Her Photoshoot For Her Featured "Souled Out Special" Of 1969

Image credits: Double_crossby
#67 Grace Kelly Looking Like A Total Angel. 1955 Photoshoot

Image credits: KawonaKills
#68 Keanu Reeves Photoshoot Circa 1985

Image credits: FajarNegan
#69 Angela Bowie Photoshoot For A Black Widow TV Series, 1975. Photo By Terry O'neill

Image credits: Loose-Bus2035
#70 Philip Michael Thomas And Don Johnson Being Just The Coolest Moterf'ers Alove At A Photoshoot For Miami Vice In 1985

Image credits: Ageniminsempiternum
#71 Pattie Boyd, Cynthia Lennon, Maureen Starkey & Jenny Boyd Posed For A Photoshoot To Announce The Opening Of Apple Boutique (1967)

Image credits: Paul-Belgium
#72 1995 Photoshoot Of 13yo Britney Spears By David Baren

Image credits: wwwHttpCom
#73 David Bowie's Photoshoot For His Album 'Heroes', 1977 (Happy Birthday Starman)

Image credits: Moonrammerr
#74 Mariah Carey At An Snl Photoshoot (1990)

Image credits:
#75 Ac-Dc Highway To Hell Photoshoot In 1979

Image credits: Thrillhouse4740
#76 Fleetwood Mac During A Photoshoot For The Album 'Tusk' In The Late 70s

Image credits: UWCG
#77 Monica Bellucci, 1991

Image credits: Aqquila89
#78 Dolly Parton Photoshoot At Dollywood Back In 1987

Image credits: lizasuicide
#79 Sigourney Weaver In A 1980's Photoshoot. What An Elegant Human Being

Image credits:
#80 Eartha Kitt Oozing Sex Appeal In A Life Photoshoot (1955)

Image credits: rada124
#81 Nalini Jaywant, Photoshoot For Life Magazine, 1951

Image credits: lupindeathray
#82 Restored Images From The Beach Boys' Photoshoot For Their Debut 1962 Album Surfin' Safari, And The Location In Malibu Today

Image credits: Mad_Season_1994
#83 The Stone Roses In A Photoshoot (1989)

Image credits: EldestSubset444
#84 George Michael Doing A Photoshoot For His First Solo Single "Careless Whisper" In 1984

Image credits: Amir_Foo
#85 Mary Wilson Of The Supreme, 1965, In Their Photoshoot For "A Bit Of Liverpool"

Image credits: Double_crossby
#86 Kylie Minogue In A Photoshoot For "Got To Be Certain" (1988)

Image credits: teracoulomb_
#87 Bollywood Glamor Girl Of 1950s, Begum Para In Life Magazine Photoshoot, 1951

Image credits: javijez
#88 Jane Fonda - 1968 Barbarella Photoshoot

Image credits: BattleRoyaleWtCheese
#89 Carrie Fisher Slave Leia Photoshoot (1983)

Image credits: TheTreeSquid
#90 Stevie Nicks In The Photoshoot For Her Hit Album 'The Wild Heart', 1983

Image credits: EvergreenPanther57
#91 1956 - Grace Kelly And Prince Rainier Of Monaco's Photoshoot By Elliot Erwin

Image credits: _ronty12_
#92 Van Halen During A Photoshoot, 1980 (Notice The Shark Guitar That Was Used For The Back Cover. Eddie Used This Guitar During Their 1978 World Tour)

Image credits: BurnoutJonathan02
#93 Jennifer Love Hewitt (1998)

Image credits: HellsJuggernaut
#94 Uma Thurman Doing A Photoshoot In 1986

Image credits: Purple_Rain526
#95 Rod Serling In A Photoshoot For The Twilight Zone, 1964

Image credits:
#96 Barbara Stanwyck In A Photoshoot With A See Through Dress Circa Early 30's. Man I Love Pre-Code Hollywood

Image credits: prossnip42
#97 Contact Sheet Of Jim Morrison's "Young Lion" Photoshoot (Joel Brodksy) 1967

Image credits: Gottahaverockandroll
#98 The Beatles' First Photoshoot, December 1961

Image credits:
#99 Greatest Rap Group Of The 90's First Album Photoshoot In 1993

Image credits: Shower-Handel
#100 River Phoenix And Keanu Reeves In The Promotional Photoshoot For My Own Private Idaho, 1991

Image credits: ExploreMoreMysteries
#101 Kurt Cobain & Kim Deal Xmas ‘93 (Melody Maker Magazine Photoshoot)

Image credits:
#102 Jean Shrimpton Aka Shrimp, Photoshoot 1971, Photography By Clive Arrowsmith

Image credits: Loose-Bus2035
#103 Phil Collins Doing A Photoshoot In 1976

Image credits: Purple_Rain526
#104 Dan Fogelberg At Home In Tennesee In 1974 During Photoshoot For His Album Souvenirs. © Henry Diltz

Image credits: morganmonroe81
#105 Sally Field, Posing For A Photoshoot In The 70s

Image credits: Red_Corvette78
#106 Laura Dern (1993) Jurassic Park Photoshoot)

Image credits: Know901
#107 Kari-Ann Muller In An Outtake From The Album Cover Photoshoot For Roxy Music's 1972 Debut Album

Image credits: RyosBadReputation
#108 Hole - Photoshoot From 1991 For Pretty On The Inside - 1991

Image credits: elevatorlady4135
#109 Irish Folk Group Clannad, With 21 Year Old Enya Sitting Next To Her Older Sister Moya, Posing During A Photoshoot For Their 1982 Album Fuaim

Image credits:
#110 Big L From A Photoshoot In 1994

Image credits:
#111 Robert Redford At A Photoshoot In 1959

Image credits: J_LeVeL
#112 Doro Pesch Of "Warlock". Photoshoot At Munich, Germany, 1985

Image credits: Loose-Bus2035
#113 Genesis Photoshoot, 1973

Image credits: lcornell6
#114 Dave Mustaine For A Photoshoot With His Jackson King V (1988)

Image credits: masterskinnypenis
#115 1961. Warren Beatty And Natalie Wood In A Photoshoot For Splendor In The Grass. It Was Beatty's First Film Ever

Image credits:
#116 Joan Jett And Mike Tyson Posing With Guitars (In Fashion Magazine Photoshoot 1985)

Image credits: Perfectstranger01
#117 Clara Bow In A Promotional Photoshoot. So, The 1920s It Girl You Say? Yeah, I Think I Can See That

Image credits: prossnip42
#118 Bruce Springsteen In The Photoshoot For The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Album Cover, 1978

Image credits: The_Boss_Badlands85
#119 Ricky Gervais In A Photoshoot For His Band Seona Dancing, 1980s

Image credits: flyin_guppy
#120 The Beach Boys, Looking Dapper During A London Photoshoot, 1964

Image credits: Prize_Prior_8433